Saturday, April 7, 2007

Here we go. This is a little thought on where my first blog was written.

Well guys I have never done this before. I have never really thought about putting my thoughts into written text. I remember while I was attending High School I was required to do a daily journal. This was part of some sort of English essay requirement. I managed to put my daily thoughts down but I am not so sure that my English teacher, Mrs McCalister appreciated my sense of humor. I Graduated High School in 1991. I ran into that same teacher about ten years after graduation and she was still as crabby as I remembered. It is funny how a person's thought process changes through the years. You tend to mature and develop in many different ways. I have jokingly said that if I could go back a few years with the knowledge I have gained. Ha Ha! In all honesty I don't think some of the people I knew in school would get it. It is difficult to see something for what it is especially while you are going through it. I look back and realize how messed up some of the people were that were given the opportunity to have an influence in my life. The main people that come to mind are some of my high school teachers. Some of these people had a very off balance view of almost everything. I hope I can always keep things in perspective. This is one of the reasons I am convinced that GOD gave me such a beautiful, intelligent and well balanced wife. GOD knew what he was doing.

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