Friday, April 13, 2007

Swimming Pools can be a Pain

It has been a couple of years since I have made an attempt to get our pool up to swimming condition. I turned the pool pump on a couple of days ago and have been letting the filter do its thing. For the past couple of years the pool has been at very best only a yard pond. I wish I was kidding. The only thing we were missing were pond lilies, gold fish and ducks. Well I was just made aware that a couple of ducklings had been seen running around in the yard. I am not sure where the mama duck was but I was just could not not believe it. At least I was in disbelief until I saw the little ducks running by the back door. I have not seen the ducks since. I thinks a neighborhood cat may have had some duckling. Alright, back to the pool story. Katiana, Lael and Christian love to swim. I thought I would be a good daddy and at least try to get the water blue or maybe just a mild shade of green. This process started with a me pumping the two feet of water off of the pool cover. Of course this is not the way it is supposed to be. I keep thinking that there had to be a service for this type of thing. Ha Ha. They would have laughed and then promptly proceeded to violate my wallet. I am not sure laughter is the emotion I feel while messing with the pool. We will have to see how things go. I am going to encourage the kids to swim as soon as possible. The water in the pool is about fifty degrees and I really need some good video footage of the kids getting into the cold pool. I am certain it will be great entertainment. It will be a couple of months yet before I even consider getting in the water.

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